How You Can Help
The Amache Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity organization, relies on the support of our donors to continue to preserve, protect, and interpret the Amache site, artifacts, and experiences. Help preserve Amache’s stories, so we can continue to educate a wider audience.
Amache Preservation Society Endowment Fund
The Amache Alliance and private donors have established the Hopper – Clark Preservation Endowment Fund for scholarships in the preservation and interpretation of the Amache National Historic Site, support for the Amache Preservation Society Museum student projects, or contributing to preserving Amache’s legacy. These are restricted funds with distribution approved by the Amache Alliance Board of Directors and endowment committee. We are seeking donations to grow the endowment to a long term sustainable level.
Make Payable to Fidelity Investments
Memo Line: “Donation Amache Alliance Corporate Endowment”
Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770002
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0075
For additional information, contact
DAF Direct makes it easier to support your favorite charities by giving directly from selected donor-advised funds.
DAF Direct welcomes donors to recommend grants from their donor–advised fund, also known as a DAF, directly from your website. Neither you nor your donors will incur any download or transaction fees. Select the DAF Direct button to be taken to the DAF Direct donation page.
Contact your financial advisor for Donor Advised Funds or email the for Amache Alliance Fidelity nonprofit cooperate information.
Checks can be made payable to Fidelity Investments DAF
Memo Line “Donation Amache Alliance”
Regular Mail:
Fidelity Investments
P.O. Box 770002
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0075
Overnight Mail:
Fidelity Investments
100 Crosby Parkway, KC1J
Covington, KY 41015-8010
Studio Haus
USC Shinso Ito Center for Japanese Religions and Culture
Kirsten Leong
Donna Runnels
Janet Fujii
Dana Ogo Shew
Grant Din
Susan Drews
Selma Stone
Ken Tsukada
Tracy Coppola - NPCA
Gorden Sakaue
Carol Helliker
Preserving Amache's Legacy for future generations
Homma Family
Joyce Woods
Tomiko Yokouchi Madden